I thought about doing a big 50th blowout post, but I'm still running behind on updates, so I'm just trying to cycle through all of the recent things that I've drunk. We are going big here though with an accidental purchase of a GIGANTIC freakin' iced coffee. This was one of the last local coffee places that I hadn't tried and I just assumed that a large may have been only 16 ounces or 20 ounces at the best. I should have known when the cashier said "3 bucks" after I said "large" that something was up, but she already started filling up the 32 ounce behemoth before I could say anything. I believe that's the same size as a Dunkin' large and the price may be comparable. I was kind of surprised that the coffee was pretty great as well! It was a new shop, so I wasn't sure if they'd have their coffee chops together, but I think it might rank in second place in terms of the local shops so far. It once again gets the seal of styrofoam cup disapproval, but I like the design of the cup so I'll forgive them as I look into the beautiful seascape and OD on caffeine.
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