Honest Tea Half and Half
I've been a big fan of the products from Honest Tea for a long while now. I was excited that they took a stab at one of my favorite combos of all time; half black iced tea and half lemonade. While there are some tasty products that already make this bottled beverage (Nantucket Nectars and Arizona's Arnold Palmer), Honest Tea has taken a "less sweet" approach which I thought would be tough going because lemonade is always super sugary. While this is one of the sweeter products in Honest Tea's line, it still only weighs in at 100 calories per bottle. Normal Honest Tea products normally clock in anywhere from 0-80 calories per bottle. They've struck a pretty amazing balance here. It's still refreshing and sweet, but not overly sweet. You get both kicks of lemon and tea without either going overboard. And I think it is sweet enough. Some may not think the lemonade comes through enough, but this is definitely a great and healthier option.
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