Dogfish Head/Stone/Victory Saison du Buff
There was a lot of hype behind the release of this beer and with good reason. These three breweries are pretty big players in the craft beer scene, so for them to collaborate is a pretty big deal and pretty cool as well. I was severely disappointed when I missed out on Dogfish Head's last collaboration with Sierra Nevada, so I wasn't going to let that happen this time. I kept scouring the local liquor stores until I finally saw a couple of bottles one day. It was a pretty hefty price at $4 a bottle for a beer with a mid-range alcohol content (6.8%). But just this bottle design is worth it. I really like the TriForce design and as I recently bought the Dogfish bottled version, I can tell you that this Stone design is definitely cooler! As for the beer itself, it's pretty unique. If you told me I was about to drink a beer made with parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme, I probably would put the odds pretty low that I would actually like it. Dogfish/Stone/Victory have pulled it off though because it's pretty tasty. It's not something that I could envision drinking a ton of, but since I've only got a couple bottles of it, I'll gladly drink them down. The herb flavor doesn't completely take over and I think that's the key. You still get the familiar hop flavor to go along with it. Anyway, these collaboration beers definitely work for me in terms of a marketing standpoint. I couldn't wait to try it, and I'm just glad it wasn't super terrible.
I tried the Stone and Dogfish bottles back to back last night and there's actually something different about them. The Dogfish one was a bit duller in taste and smell, which was surprising. Stone's was definitely better (especially when you consider the bottle art). What will Victory bring to the party?